About the site
This site is designed for teachers and students who want (or need!) to learn python programming.
This blog aims to have programming project ideas, links and resources that you can use at home or in the classroom but the main tool at the core of this site is create.withcode.uk which lets you write, run, debug and share python code on any device.
Equality and diversity

How can we reduce the gender gap in Computer Science?
The main aim of this site is to encourage and equip more young people to enjoy and succeed in Computer Science regardless of their gender/sexuality/religion/whatever. One major challenge for UK schools is breaking the myth that CS is just for boys so I’m trying to make sure that the project ideas and lesson resources appeal to both boys and girls. If you have any suggestions on how I can do this better I’d love to hear from you: I’ve got a lot to learn!
About the author
This site is designed and maintained by Pete Dring. He teaches computing at Fulford School in York, UK and so this site mostly contains resources designed for or related to his students there.
Why Adverts?
Adverts are used across this site in order to help cover hosting costs. I’ve tried to keep them as unobtrusive as possible but if you really can’t stand them, there are plenty of ad-blockers you can use.