Here’s a collection of free interactive python challenges for GCSE Computer Science. They’re designed to follow the Edexcel GCSE (first teaching 2020).
This page is a work in progress and I hope to add more activities over time. You’ll see progress bars for each topic. Click on these for interactive, self marking python challenges. As you complete each challenge, your score will update on the progress bars. You can enter your name and generate a certificate for each activity:

Variables, Constants and Assignment
6.3.2: be able to write programs that make appropriate use of variables and constants
Learning Objective 6.3.2
Input and Output
6.2.1: understand the function of and be able to identify the structural components of programs (…, input/output)
Learning Objective 6.2.1
Sequence and Selection
6.2.2: be able to write programs that make appropriate use of sequencing, selection…
Learning Objective 6.2.2