I’ve seen some really creative teaching and learning ideas to support students learning python programming during remote learning. Lots of teachers are looking for ways to stretch and support computing students while they’re working from home or as an optional extra competition during term time.
It’s been a little while since I posted an update on live.withcode.uk and I’ve been working hard on some new features:
Each week there’s a new episode of live.withcode.uk. Each episode starts with a YouTube video that talks you through the design and development of a short python program. It then has links to four interactive resources that relate to the code in the video.
You can access the resources on almost any device without needing to register or sign in at live.withcode.uk, or schools can register for free accounts so that students can compete against their classmates and teachers can track their progress.
You can watch a quick guide here:
All resources and instructions for setting up groups for students can be found at live.withcode.uk
I’ve just been working on improving the student competitions so that students can use their Microsoft Teams logins to access the challenges and scoreboards. My next challenge is to improve the user interface in create.withcode.uk to make it easier to monitor students’ code in real time.
If you have any feedback or suggestions I’d love to hear from you.
All the best!